Swinburne astronomer and Pro Vice Chancellor of Flagship Initiatives, bringing together transdisciplinary teams to tackle the biggest challenges of our times. Founding Director of the Space Technology and Industry Institute from 2021 - 2023. I investigate how galaxies form within clouds of dark matter and try to explain it, and the rest of science, to as wide an audience as possible.
Incredible news as one of the largest Federal Government’s Modern Manufacturing Initiative grants ($2.325M from Gov, for a total expenditure of $4.65M) is awarded to Titomic and Swinburne!
In the next two decades we will search the skies, solar system and space for alien life with new techniques and technologies thousands of times more powerful than all of humanity's efforts to date. I toured the world speaking to experts in this search for alien life, as well as the kinds of life we might uncover, and of course a serious investigation into the claims that it may already be here(!)
My thanks to Audible for making possible this incredible journey. I hope you enjoy listening to what I discovered with Astronomical - Looking for Life Beyond Earth
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It was an honour to brief US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy and Consul General Christine Elder on the myriad industry, education, and workforce opportunities in the space sector for our two nations of Australia and the USA, as part of the AmCham Australia Space Committee. On a personal as well as professional level, this was a highlight..! You could say I was over the Moon with this meeting.
You're looking at Swinburne University of Technology's new Pro Vice Chancellor, Flagship Initiatives 🙌The PVCFI is a new role tasked with driving large and ambitious transdisciplinary research across our flagship research areas by actively engaging with external organisations (including government, industry, NGOs) to identify large-scale opportunities that require university-wide collaboration and the formation of coalitions of universities and partners.
It was a thrill to join The Project on the desk to share the news of NASA’s DART Mission making history as they successfully intercepted an asteroid demonstrating that we can deflect a potential Earth-colliding one in future through an impact with a spacecraft.
The precious metals used in our smartphones were forged in dying stars and mined from the Earth at enormous cost, so we aren’t getting any more of them! Yet there are over 4 million unused or broken mobile phones gathering dust in our homes and businesses representing a huge stockpile of valuable materials and metals that can be reclaimed through recycling with MobileMuster in their Go For Zero campaign this year.